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"The best use of literature bends not toward the narrow and the absolute but to the extravagant and the possible." - Mary Oliver

Writing, since high school, has appealed to me in a different way than my other hobbies: its methodical, incremental progress; its potential as a conduit of empathy and imagination; and the joy of immortalizing, even just for myself, my experiences and thoughtsin a word, myselfon which I can delight and reflect in two or twenty years.

The publications, blogs, and essayists with the most influence on my writing are, in no particular order:

  • The New York Times
  • The New Yorker
  • Michiko Kakutani
  • The Best American Essays
  • xkcd
  • David Foster Wallace
  • Peter Wells
  • Wait But Why
  • Ashish Xiangyi Kumar
  • Free from a column or publication, as well as any expectation of "influence," I write about whatever strikes my fancy; more than anything, I hope simply to share interesting stories and experiences that cross my path and life.

    • Reading books, attending concerts, and seeing theater and other performing arts are among my favorite ways to spend my time; they are precious precisely because they are fleeting, but I cannot help but want to hold onto them. The best I can do is to reflect on and review them, and you may find these writings here.
    • Writing helps me make sense of the world and my movement through it. For my attemptsessays, if you willto present my thoughts and experiences so that others and I may learn from them, please consider my writings here.
    • Please find all manner of other writingssome attempts at translation, my favorite moments in music, and fictionhere.

    You may also find selections from my archive below.

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